Information for Families

Thank you for supporting your student's interest in off-campus study. We are here to help them, and you, in this endeavor.

The Office of Off-Campus Study at Bowdoin welcomes students of every academic interest, GPA, and financial means to find a study away experience that enriches their academics, exposes them to new models and arenas of learning, and integrates into their Bowdoin experience. Well over 50% of Bowdoin students study abroad during their junior year for a semester (or two) at over 100 programs in over 30 countries.

Students in Copenhagen
Bicycle signpost in France.

When approached intentionally, study abroad substantially enriches the Bowdoin experience. We love working with students as they discover and deepen their own interests through new environments, modes of learning, and cultures—it’s not uncommon to see a student return from a semester away transformed with greater academic engagement, maturity, and purpose. Our office is uniquely positioned at Bowdoin College within the Center for Co-Curricular Opportunities, a group of student advisors dedicated to helping students navigate academic opportunities beyond Bowdoin, including fellowships, summer research, and health professions.

Our office typically starts working with students in the sophomore year. In the fall, all of our programming is around introducing opportunities, explaining process, and addressing logistics. We offer events such as student panels, host a study off-campus fair with visitors from around the world, and offer one-on-one advising sessions every day of the week. In the spring as students declare their major(s), our office helps shape their broad intentions into a specific plan that aligns with their academic and personal goals.

Please explore this website to learn more about study away at Bowdoin including information about credit transfer, finances, health, safety, and more. Another helpful resource is the US State Department’s website for parents and families.

Please be aware students continue to be enrolled at Bowdoin while studying off-campus; therefore, all FERPA and HIPAA regulations continue to be implemented for participants during off-campus study.