The Gender, Sexuality, and Women’s Studies Program (GSWS) at Bowdoin seeks to shape social identity and lived experience at the individual, cultural, institutional, national, and global levels.

GSWS at Bowdoin encourages students to interrogate how gender expressions such as masculinity and femininity as well as social norms around sexuality, reproduction, and the family vary across cultures and historic periods.

The GSWS curriculum challenges the privileging of some categories of identity and experience over others, and explores the social and political implications of such hierarchies.

Upcoming Events

Current CampusGroups Event Listings

Coming soon (click on above link to access event details and register):
Wednesday, March 26 at 4:30 PM
Laura Hyun Yi Kang lecture.

Thursday, March 27 at 8:30 PM
Screens & Screams - A Double Feature of Feminist Fear

Thursday, April 3 at 5:00 PM
Self-Care and the Liberal Arts Roundtable

Thursday, April 10 at 8:30 PM
Screens & Screams - A Double Feature of Feminist Fear

Friday, April 11
Bowdoin Bearings Academic Fair.

Thursday, April 24 at 5:00 PM
GSWS Works-In-Progress Workshop 2/2. Angel Matos.

Wednesday, April 30 at 5:00 PM
GSWS Book Club. We're reading Who's Afraid of Gender? Chapters will be assigned.

Wednesday, May 7
SWAG/GSWS Last Day of Classes Dessert Reception

Thursday, May 8 at 4:00 PM
Capstone Seminar Presentations.

Friday, May 23
Commencement Open House.
Interested in gender, sexuality, and women's studies at Bowdoin?

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