Organizations and websites supporting engagement with different perspectives
- American Dialogue Project
- Braver Angels
- Beyond Conflict
- Big Tent Nation
- Bride the Divide
- Civil
- Common Ground
- Convergence
- Cortico
- Depolarize (podcast)
- The Fulcrum
- Listen First
- Living Room Conversations
- Make America Dinner Again
- More in Common
- National Institute for Civil Discourse
- No Labels
- Project Civil America
- Ray Center
- Stand Up Republic
- Many of these and even more at The Bridge Alliance
Advice/quasi-practical info
- Noah Smith on how and why to get an Econ PhD
- Will MacAskill on effective altruism ("The PhD program we recommend most of all, especially if you're mathematically able, is economics")
- Scott Cunningham on advice for those interested in an Econ PhD
- Susan Dynarski (initiated) twitter thread on advice for new PhD students
- "Tips 4 economists" from Masayuki Kudamatsu
- Market Demand for Econ PhDs
- What economists actually do (Lynne Lewis Twitter thread)
- It's fine for PhDs to leave academia
- The Maine Millennial's advice for college students
- Steve Miller's advice for students/academia
- Anthony Zhang's advice for students/academia
- Rachel Meagher on academic talks
- Jessica Hoel on publishing, teaching, networking and more
- Pre-PhD Econ RA jobs
- Patrick Collison on what to do age 10-20
- Catherine Denial on building relationships with college profs
- Inside Higher Ed on emailing profs
- Kevin Gao on lots of things
- Wing Suen's guide to choosing a college major
- Bayes visual with good links
- Recent papers on belief formation from Alica Solda
- #DontDIY
Maine stuff/Brunswick recommendations
- Maine by Foot excellent trail guide by Rebecca Goldfine
- Maine breweries
- The Maine Monitor (an underrated news outlet)
- My fav place to eat and drink in town (dinner)
- Best breakfast
- Most affordable ice cream stand
- Best Greek diner style pizza etc
- Nice little walk over the river near downtown
- If you're here on the weekend and like kitsch, check out the Fort Andross Flea Market
- Best rock hopping
- Probably best hike in the area
Non-academic pieces by me
- "Stop Denying the Hot Hand" with Jeremy Arkes
- "Bounded rationality, unbounded hate"
- "People are not so complicated. Relationships between people are complicated."
- Political bias on
- Comments on "Love Your Enemies"
- My take on "Why We're Polarized"
- "Your political counterparts aren't moral monsters"
- Tweets/Replies/Likes