Responsive Authoritarianism: Protest and Policymaking in China. (Cambridge University Press, 2016) (225 pages)
“Fighting for Every Inch of Land: Greed and Grievance in Petition Mobilization in Zhejiang” Modern China, (forthcoming). (43 pages).
“Land Protests in Rural China” in Teresa Wright’s Handbook of Dissent and Protest in China, Edward Elgar Publishing (under contract). Note: unlike most “Handbook”-type series which consist primarily of literature reviews, the Handbook of Dissent and Protest in China is comprised entirely of original research. (28 pages).
“(Dis)Trusting NGOs in China” in Reza Hasmath and Jennifer Hsu (eds.) NGO
Management and Governance in China, (Routledge, 2015). (18 pages)
“Power and Rule by Law in Rural China: State-Initiated Mediation in Land Disputes,” Co-authored with Changdong Zhang in Fu Hualing and John Gillespie (eds.) Resolving Land Disputes in East Asia. (Cambridge University Press, 2014) (25 pages).
“Old Laws, New Citizens: Confidence in Legal Institutions in the Former East Germany” German Politics (2012) 21 (4), pg. 411-428 (18 pages).
“Governing Civil Society: The Political Logic of NGO-State Relations Under Dictatorship,” VOLUNTAS: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations (2010), 21 (2), pg. 220-239 (20 pages).