Andrew Rudalevige

Thomas Brackett Reed Professor of Government

Andy Rudalevige studies American political institutions, with an emphasis on the modern presidency, the executive branch, and interbranch relations. In 2016-17, he was president of the American Political Science Association’s Presidents and Executive Politics section. He is an honorary professor at University College London affiliated with UCL's Centre on United States Politics, a senior non-resident faculty fellow at the Miller Center at the University of Virginia, and an elected fellow of the National Academy of Public Administration

Rudalevige's most recent book is By Executive Order: Bureaucratic Management and the Limits of Presidential Power (Princeton University Press), which tracks the role of the wider executive branch in the formulation of directives normally thought of as “unilateral” and the challenge posed to presidential management as a result. In 2022 By Executive Order won the Richard E. Neustadt Prize from the American Political Science Association honoring the best book on the presidency as well as the Louis Brownlow Prize as best book in public administration from the National Academy of Public Administration. 

His first book, Managing the President's Program: Presidential Leadership and Legislative Policy Formulation (Princeton University Press), examines the formulation and success of presidents' legislative programs in the postwar era from an informational transaction costs vantage. It was awarded the American Political Science Association's Neustadt Prize as best book on the presidency published in 2002. The New Imperial Presidency (University of Michigan Press), examines the post-Watergate growth of executive authority, not least in the "global war on terror," and was described by Arthur Schlesinger, Jr., as "a grand sequel for my own The Imperial Presidency." He has co-authored a textbook on the Politics of the Presidency for Sage/CQ Press (the 11th edition was released in 2024) and edited a series of volumes on the Bush and Obama presidencies. (Next up: The Trump First Term, forthcoming next year.) Current research centers on presidents' ongoing efforts to control the executive bureaucracy, including an institutional history of the Office of Management and Budget.

Rudalevige is the host of “Founding Principles,” an acclaimed video series on American government and civics, available on the Bowdoin website as well as on the national PBS LearningMedia site. You may also find his commentary on ongoing political events and their relation to political science research on the Washington Post's Monkey Cage blog and its successor site, Good Authority. He is a frequent contributor to national and international media outlets, including PBS, The Washington Post, NPR, the BBC, and C-SPAN.

From 1989-96 Rudalevige worked in state and local politics — as a staffer in the Massachusetts Senate and as an elected Town Councilor and appointed charter commissioner in his hometown of Watertown, Massachusetts.  In 2004-05 he was a visiting scholar at the Center for the Study of Democratic Politics at Princeton University's Woodrow Wilson School, and from 2007-09 a visiting professor at the University of East Anglia in Norwich, England (home of the sometimes-but-not-now-Premier-League Canaries). Rudalevige has also served as a visiting professor at the Institut d'Etudes Politiques ("Sciences-Po") at the University of Lyon, France (in Fall 2011) and in the Department of Government at the London School of Economics and Political Science during the 2023-24 academic year.


Andrew Rudalevige's Curriculum Vitae

Andrew Rudalevige Headshot


  • PhD, Harvard University, 2000
  • MA, Harvard University, 1997
  • BA, University of Chicago, 1989