Media Gallery, Halford Gallery, Bernard and Barbro Osher Gallery, Focus Gallery, Center Gallery, Becker GallerySelected Works

With a title that plays on Robert Rauschenberg´s infamous 1961 portrait of Iris Clert–a telegram that simply states, “This is a portrait of Iris Clert if I say so”—this major groundbreaking exhibition examines the rise and evolution of symbolic, abstract, and conceptual portraiture in modern and contemporary American Art during the past century. Featuring nearly seventy-five works by leading American innovators from Gertrude Stein, Marsden Hartley, and Alfred Stieglitz, to Robert Rauschenberg, Yoko Ono, and Eleanor Antin, to Felix Gonzalez-Torres, Glenn Ligon, and L.J. Roberts, This Is a Portrait If I Say So: Identity in American Art, 1912 to Today represents the first exhibition to address the breadth and significance of the phenomenon of non-mimetic portraits in American art. The show poses provocative questions about the very nature of likeness and personal identity.
The sumptuously illustrated accompanying
This exhibition and the accompanying
Read the Press Release View the Checklist Visit the ARTSY website
Enjoy this activity booklet prepared to accompany the exhibition, This Is a Portrait If I Say So. Bowdoin student education assistants for the summer of 2016 authored this guide. Many thanks to Hailey Beaman ‘18, Steff Chávez-Flores ‘17, and Will Schweller ‘17.
Visiting The Exhibition
Please enjoy the following coverage of the exhibition and related
Multimedia Resources
View a recording of the June 25, 2016 keynote presentation. Byron Kim, artist, was the keynote speaker, followed by a discussion with the exhibition co-curators, Anne Collins Goodyear, Kathleen Merrill Campagnolo, and Johathan Fredieric Walz. The presentation took place on Saturday, June 25, 2015 at 4:00 p.m. in Kresge Auditorium, Bowdoin College.
View a short discussion about the exhibition with the three exhibition co-curators, Anne Collins Goodyear, Kathleen Merrill Campagnolo, and Johathan Frederick Walz.
View Sarah Greenough's lecture, "Passing into the World as Abstractions: Gorgia O'Keeffe's Painted Portraits." Sarah Greenough, senior curator of photographs, National Gallery of Art, is celebrated for her numerous award-winning exhibitions and publications, including Modern Art and America: Alfred Stieglitz and His New York Galleries (2001), and My Faraway One: Selected Letters of Georgia O'Keeffe and Alfred Stieglitz, Volume One, 1915-1933 (2011). In this talk, she explores the portrait abstractions of Georgia O'Keeffe. This lecture took place at Bowdoin College on September 6, 2016.
View L. J. Robert's lecture "Queer Strategies, Queer Tactics." Artist L.J. Roberts, whose work Portrait of Deb was included in This Is a Portrait If I Say So: Identity in American Art, 1912 to Today, speaks about the expression of LGBT identity through the visual arts. The lecture took place at Bowdoin College on October 5, 2016.
View Richard Saunder's lecture "Some Additional Observations on Identity in American Art." Saunders is a Walter Cerf Distinguished College Professor and director at Middlebury College Museum of Art. The lecture took place at Bowdoin College on October 12, 2016.
View artist Hasan Elaji's lecture, "The New Normal." Hasan Elahi, a current Guggenheim Fellow whose work was included in "This Is a Portrait If I Say So: Art and Identity in American Art, 1912 to Today" at the Museum of Art, discusses his practice and the larger question of visual documentation and the representation of identity in the post-9/11 era.